Friday, February 26, 2021

The Observation on a Prescription for Cancer Treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine with Three Cases - Juniper Publishers

 Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Case Studies

The Observation on a Prescription for Cancer Treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine with Three Cases

Authored by Gonghuang Cheng

Short Communication

The main medicine

Dolichandrone cauda-felina is a perennial shrubs with more than 30 m tall trees and umbels. The trumpet shaped flowers, white petals with purple in center, the fruit up to 30 cm, the appearance is like a cat tail named cat tail tree in Chinese. Anti-season growth, summer dry, autumn germination, winter flourishing, spring flowers. Rich in Huazhou city around the mountain village, villagers use it as firewood, or making furniture. No one is used medicinally earlier in Chinese medicine history. It is Dong Caoyuan who knows it, understands its medicine for value and renamed it Caojie. It means that Dong prairie knows it and gives full play to its value. With other Chinese medicine a prescription called cancer root was made.

Effect of Caojie

A total of 31500 cancer patients in China and abroad were treated for years since 1990 from the first patient with liver cancer of the cancer root treatment to the end of Dec 2009. The first liver cancer patient from near death become to tumor loss, health recovery, and can get party life, work and it shows that tumor reduction or degeneration, reexamination with no mass shadow. Most of the patients who are still healthy living are mostly patients who are given up for treatment after long term diagnosis or treated by others and have lost their physique. All of the patients treated with cancer root, the pain of cancer is eliminated, and less than 10% of them can recover healthy lives. Every patient who has been treated with a cancer root can get very good results whether it is the final survival or death. It is a miracle from the clinical effects of modern medical science.

Xiufang Zhang, Female, Guangdong Li Gang Town, Huazhou city of Da Lu Chong Village. At the end of 89, he was diagnosed as liver cancer, liver cirrhosis and as cites in the hospital. No treatment was made after the diagnosis. On the 31 may, 1990 his liver pain was hard to endure on the night and two discharges ware closed. The second day he is in a coma. Feed he a bowl liquid for eliminating cancer root, he was woken up after a hour he discharged 3kg urine with feces. The pain stopped, and rubbish in the body was eliminated within three days. Only after ten days' treatment, health recovered and he ploughed all the time after then. By the end of 2003, he went a mountain for firewood and broken leg, with improper treatment got a undeserved death.

Shaoqiang Liang, male, Hejiang Town, Huazhou city of Da shitou village, Guangdong Province. He was diagnosed as lung cancer by Gaozhou grade a hospital on Dec 1995 with 2 lungs' extensive metastasis, sternum metastasis, a large amount of hydrothorax. Cough, asthma, pain hard for bearing. After the diagnosis he was told going home hurry to prepare for the future. Day and night sleepless for a whole week. Go home after being introduced by his son and taken with back to treat. Take a dose of cancer root, and cough and vomit more than half a barrel of phlegm and water. Immediate swelling down with no pain, he can eat, sleep and walk, eliminating cancer root for a month, to restore health, plow fields, and make his own business. By now it is 76 years old and still can be cultivated. Maoming daily, Maoming TV reported a number of media tracking about this.

Lina Lu, a woman, Professor of Union Medical College, Beijing. A 4.5* 4.7cm mass in the liver was found in the liver on October 2000, with a rich blood supply in the lump. The Beijing Cancer Hospital was identified as liver cancer. Giving up treatment, in Wang Guangfa’s support and help down the doctor, take the cancerous root for 15 days. One month later, the Beijing Cancer Hospital was reexamined by color Doppler ultrasound and found the periphery of the lump was irregular, and there was no blood supply in the interior [1]. To prove that the lump is necrotic or denaturated. No medical treatment has been made since then, and she has been working so far.


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