Tuesday, August 9, 2022

A Case Study on Birth Experience



Background: Normal consciousness may be profoundly changed during labour. Access to heightened states of personal and existential awareness may be part of the uninhibited ritual of natural childbirth.

Aim: Validate the possibility of heightened awareness and transcendence that can occur beyond the province of normal human experience. Peek experiences may bring life changing realizations of deep universal connection and personal insight.

Findings: Breakthrough experiences may occur in any state of intense physical focus, including the mindfulness of supported birth practices.

Discussion: The perspective reiterates the importance of rational, individualized, woman-centred care in birth.

Conclusion: The environment of birth, the safety and support of known and trusted care givers can allow birth events to unfold with the least possible intrusion. A hitherto under-recognized sequalae for such freedom may be the possibility of connecting to a state of expanded awareness that can bring profound unveiling of inner being and self-acceptance.

Read More about this Article: https://juniperpublishers.com/jojcs/JOJCS.MS.ID.555861.php

Read More Juniper Publishers Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=rp_7-igAAAAJ&citation_for_view=rp_7-igAAAAJ:IjCSPb-OGe4C



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