Monday, November 16, 2020

Our Place in Space Etis Communication with Super Speed and our Evolution Perspective-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Case Studies

Our Place in Space Etis Communication with Super Speed and our Evolution Perspective

Authored by Kristina Zubow


From 2012 to the present time we discovered some ETIs with whom we hold dialogues [1-3]. We even managed to listen to negotiations between ETIs [3]. The first two dialogues in 2012 with Uranus inhabitants (UI) explained how to communicate with these alien civilizations. Our neighbor gave us to understand clearly that we live two different ways of life in the space and are not competitors [4]. The dialogue of September 23, 2012 UI gave us to understand that we are not a typical civilization in our galaxy that our place in the solar system is poor because of a lot of oxygen and solar radiation our perspectivesare bad [4]. All highly developed ETIs use the energy of their planets so they are away from radiation and oxygen. Once again UI informed us about their place on the Uranus, and marked the size of their empire (Figure 1) [3].

In December 10, 2013 a planned dialogue with the operator on Uranus took place, who tested our competence and level of development in the form of a long information package, which we understood as the unfolded helix of their DNA molecule with some specific features in the DNA chain indicating the characteristics of their body. These specific features were domains (clusters), folds, methylated DNA regions as well as included metal complexes. They could reflect the macro characteristics of a living organism, for example, the number of hands, feet, eye color, existence mode in the biocenosis, etc. Unfortunately, our researchers have only now begun to DNA sequencing, but the understanding of these special features in chains and their correlation with the properties of living beings is postponed to the future. Since the unfolded DNA was given in a very long time interval (95min) in the following only a short fragment shall be discussed (Figure 2).

This communication channel is able to transmit 2D images of e.g. DNA, in the expanded and the stacked form on a plane, regardless of distance. Later the information shall be used by other ETIs for DNA printing (3D printer) to get the original DNA from another civilization.

Our neighbors (UI) see the world in black and white, only; nevertheless, they are able to see a lot of shades of gray tones. UI have a very sensitive hearing, they “breathe” a methanehydrogen- helium gas mixture (reductant) where oxidizing agents they get by drugs. UI do not have lungs similar to ours, teeth and intestines, which were genetically removed because of infiltration and disease risks. Further, their body temperature is lover and muscles are more efficient.

It seems to be possible that the Earth inhabitants are an earlier project of this Empire. UI waited until we had reached a higher stage of development and then decided to visit us. Concerning a UI danger they fear us more than we them.


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